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La Società Italiana, Inc. is organized under the Georgia non-profit Corporation Code. According to the Articles of Incorporation, its purpose is to bring together people interested in fellowship, socializing, charitable and civic enhancement and good citizenship. La Società Italiana members also share a genuine interest in perpetuating Italian Heritage, Culture and Ideals.

Events are held every other month to encourage a variety of Italian social activities and include celebrating Italian holiday traditions and fostering civic and charitable works. At the annual organizational meeting, the membership votes to sponsor selected charities for the year.

Mission Statement

“To Preserve our Italian heritage by celebrating our culture and values through various club activities and events throughout the year. To provide an extended family for Italian – Americans living in the Atlanta area. Finally, to pass on to the next generation of Italians – Americans those traditions that our families taught us and more importantly the roots of our ancestry that have made us who we are today”

“Per preservare il nostro patrimonio italiano celebrando la nostra cultura e valori attraverso diverse attività ed eventi del club durante tutto l’anno. Fornire un’estesa famiglia per gli italiani – americani che vivono nell’area di Atlanta. Infine, per passare alla generazione successiva di italiani – americani quelle tradizioni che le nostre famiglie ci hanno insegnato e ancor più sapere le radici dei nostri antenati che ci hanno fatto chi siamo oggi.”

Officers, Membership & Social Media

September 1, 2023-August 31, 2024
Position Individual
President Maria Lioce
Vice President Mariella Colette
Treasurer Frank Chillemi
Secretary Cathy Weaver
Past President Paul Carahan
Membership Chairperson Frank Chillemi
Social Media Chairperson Sherly Alberico

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